Google Data Studio Calculated Fields Filter

Calculated Fields Filter allows you to create computed fields from other fields in the data source. For example, you can calculate the total price of items sold using the sum function.

Calculated Field Filters allow you to add new functions to existing fields. This makes them helpful in creating formulas or calculations. The Calculated Fields feature was introduced in Power BI Desktop version 2.0.

Calculated Fields filters are beneficial when working with large amounts of data. They also provide a way to automate repetitive tasks.


What Are Google Data Studio Calculated Fields?

Google Data Studio is designed to make it easier for marketers to analyze and visualize data. One of the most strong features of the tool is calculated fields. These fields allow you to manipulate your data however your heart desires. For example, you could use calculated fields to determine how many times a product was purchased over a month. Or maybe you wanted to see what percentage of customers bought a particular item during a specific week.

Calculated fields are beneficial because they allow marketers to change the date range of the data used to generate a report, add additional filters, and even perform calculations based on data already present within the dataset. In short, they allow you to build reports exactly how you want them.


Why Use Calculated Fields in Google Data Studio?

Google Data Studio offers powerful features, such as pivot tables and calculated fields. These tools allow you to quickly summarize data into meaningful insights, like calculating totals, averages, and percentages. But what about when you want to figure out something that isn’t directly related to your data? For example, maybe you’re trying to find out how much each customer spent during a specific period. This calculation might seem simple enough, but it requires extra work. Fortunately, there are several options for doing just that. This post will show you why calculated fields are perfect for creating custom formulas.


Your First Calculated Field

Calculated fields are a powerful tool in Google Analytics. They let you quickly calculate data such as conversion rates, bounce rates, or even average session duration. 

First, go ahead and open up your Google Analytics account. Give it a name and description, and select the metric type “Conversion Rate.” Click Next. On the next screen, enter the dimension you want to use in the dropdown menu. Choose “Custom Dimension,” and click Add. Now, choose the column you wish to display in your report. For example, I’d like to see the total number of sessions per day. Select Session Duration. Finally, make sure you’ve selected the correct date range. You can do this by clicking the calendar icon to the left of the date range selector and selecting the desired start and end dates. Click Save.

Now, go back to the Events section of your reports. Under the Filters tab, click Advanced filters. Scroll down to the bottom of the list, and under the section titled “Dimensions,” click”+Add.” Enter the name of the new dimension (i.e., “Session Duration”), and then click OK. The new size should now be listed under Dimensions.

Next, scroll to the top of the list, and click +Add. Name the new dimension “Date,” and then click OK. Now, scroll to the right, and click +Add again. This time, name the new dimension “Time Zone,” and then click OK to save it.

Next, go back to the Event section of your reports, and click on the “+” sign next to the Date dimension. A pop-up window will appear. From here, you can add any other dimensions that you might need. To get started, leave the default values, and click OK.

Finally, return to the Filters tab, and click on the green plus symbol (+) next to the Time Zone dimension. A pop-out window will appear. You can create a custom filter for this dimension or select the option “Show All Values.”

If you’re using the latter option, you won’t see any results until you add some events. So, click on the green plus sign next to the Event section, and then click on the blue arrow to the right of the event selection box.

You should now see a list of events from the past 30 days. Notice that each row has an additional column labeled “Event Category.” These categories represent different types of events. For example, if you were looking at eCommerce transactions, you could choose the category “Sales.”

Enter Your Function

In Excel 2016, there are three types of functions:

1. Formulas – These are used to manipulate data within cells.

2. Visual Basic For Applications (VBA) Functions – These allow you to automate tasks such as formatting and sorting data.

3. Custom Functions – These are built into Excel, allowing you to perform complex calculations without writing code.

You can access the formula bar by pressing F9. You’ll see a menu pop up where you can choose different options depending on what type of calculation you want to do.

Apply the New Field to Your Visualization

The Save button now includes a new field called “Next Step.” You’ll see it in the legend next to the other areas you’ve added.

This field will show up in your visualizations and allow you to add additional data points without re-entering everything. For example, if you’re creating a funnel chart, you could use this field to enter the number of people in each funnel stage.

You can apply the new field to existing charts or create new ones. If you want to do the latter, follow these steps:

1. 2. Enter the column name you’d like to add and choose whether it’s numeric or text.

3. Select the type of graph you’d like to make.

4. Choose the columns you want to include in the new field.